Hawk Festival!

Barn Owl

Barn Owl

Eurasian Eagle Owl

What an awesome weekend! The first day had terrible weather. But Sunday was beautiful, with cool winds and sun and HAWKS! I moved my booth outside despite the wind- it is against my morals to spend time inside if I can be out, especially with raptors on the horizon. My friend Ryan MacLean, fellow Bard grad and captain of the Quaker Ridge Hawk Watch, helped me get a spot right in the thick of the hawk watchers so that I could turn my binoculars towards the sky in between sales. And, to top it off, I was also right next to the Falconer: I got to watch a Eurasian Eagle Owl, Saker Falcon, Barn Owl, and Harris Hawk all day long. It was sublime. 

Lookin good! Despite all of the wind...

Lookin good! Despite all of the wind...

I met a lot of great people and got to watch Bald Eagles/Sharp-shinned Hawks/Cooper's Hawks/Red-tailed Hawks all day long. Next up: Cape May! 

Hawk watchers Ryan and Shawn celebrate another successful day with their new "Quick, Three Beers!" beer cozies! 

Hawk watchers Ryan and Shawn celebrate another successful day with their new "Quick, Three Beers!" beer cozies!